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Please..Don't kill off the parts of you that you don't like

Writer: Lesley TurnerLesley Turner

When I first started helping people in a more spiritual and emotional way, one of the main concepts in the spiritual community was that parts of ourselves that kept us stuck and sabotaged our life needed to die away in order for us to live authentically.

That wounded child needed to go.

The version that went through trauma, wasn't needed anymore.

The inner teenager who couldn't help but rebel, dismissed.

None of it sat well with me as all of those versions of us were important to who we are today.

Now we know that killing the parts off of us that no longer serves us, is never the way to go. Because as Matt Kahn used to say, a person in pain deserves MORE love, not LESS.

Today, part of my job is helping my clients love the one who's struggling, bring compassion and understanding to the little girl who needed to hold the world together at one point and is now exhausted. She needs to be appreciated, not dismissed. She deserves love. She deserves to be tucked into your heart and carried with you. BUT she doesn't need to be in control of your life anymore.

This inner child and deeper work can be so transformative to finally bring love to the parts of you that felt unseen, disrespected, or hidden for years. When we can love these aspects, we begin to see ourselves as the beautiful, imperfect yet totally worthy of love and kindness, humans we are. We set better boundaries and respect our own. We surround ourselves with people who can love us as we need to be loved and we see our value in a world that likes to tell us we aren't enough.

So, love on yourself today. Yes, even the little parts that you've deny are there. She deserves it!

🩷 Les



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