We're a society of people who run around like chickens with their heads chopped off and it isn't doing us any favours. You may not even realize it because the deep conditioning that keeps us all busy, is so strong. So let me ask you, have you ever found yourself getting bored and needing to replace that feeling immediately by doing something else? Maybe you pick up your phone, or you think of all the things that need to get done and start to pick away at the list.

Does it feel really uncomfortable to sit and do nothing? Do you always need a project or a task? Does meditation make your skin crawl?
My newsletter that went out yesterday was all about 'when doing more healing modalities aren't in your best interest'...and it goes a long this same premise of, sitting and doing nothing may actually be your highest path right now.
When we pick up our addictions or busyness to distract us from feeling what's coming up, we're doing a massive disservice to healing at the deeper level and getting to know ourselves. But in order to actually be Ok with boredom, we have to expand our capacity to hold space for the deeper, darker emotions that are buried in our bodies. It's not easy to do this on our own and it doesn't happen overnight. Small, consistent moments of silence and compassion towards ourselves will help.
If we aren't listening to our truth, we will constantly play out old patterns, insecurities, fears, or angers in real life until the patterns are so loud that they can't be ignored.
So in this instance, we choose our hard. It's hard to be uncomfortable with deep feelings like shame and anger. But it's even harder to be bombarded by real-life issues that create a lot of shame and
anger in the body.
If you need support with hearing and making sense of what's here. I'm here. For virtual or in-person care.
Don't let your old wounded patterns dictate your current life. You deserve to be free.