The Intuitive Mama Journal Experience
Found on Amazon, see link at bottom of page or click here.
For the mom who feels as though she lost herself in motherhood but is starting to awaken to her spiritual side. This journal provides the guidance and inspiration needed to help her develop and hone her intuitive superpowers and trust in herself again.
A confident mom, one who has intuitive awareness and trusts her inner knowing, will transform how this world works. Parenting will change because she won't be swayed by the opinions of others. How she nourishes her body and her child's body wil change because she will listen to what her body is asking for. The quality of her relationships change because she knows her value and who she wants in her space. The power of this work has a ripple effect around the world.
Buy here:
You can now purchase the journal in-person at the Simple Life Studio, and at Happy Yoga Fitness in Owen Sound.
Or here: AMAZON